Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jars and the Sea

It all started here when I found this link on Pinterest. 

Who knew jars, food coloring, white glue and water could create such a pretty effect?

And who also knew the dozens of baby food jars that have accumulated since my aging Chihuahua Lucy,

It's true. I'm old and I get whatever I demand!

decided she only wants to eat baby food instead of, you know,

dog food,

could be used for something?

Oh!  I loved the results.  I combined green and blue food coloring to create a sea-like color:


But, I didn't like how the top of the jars showed  the screw top marks embedded into the glass.

What to do?

One glue gun and my massive of collection of shells later:

Sea Shells by the Sea Side

But now, what to do with my shell votive?  I consulted Pinterest and found this great DIY room refresher:

I decided on peppermint oil

The total results?

I'm super happy!

Thank you Pinterest,

Lucy the Dog,

my massive collection of shells

and a Sunday afternoon in my basement for making a really great room freshener.



  1. Beautiful!

    And the room refresher sure beats using Febreze.

  2. Boxer! Nice to see you still around. Been missing your creativity and verve. Hope the move went well adn you are finding stuff OK.

    This is the time of year I drop out for a while myself - no Internet in the deep woods. Sure do need a restorative visit to the back of beyond. Crazy bizzy.

    Take care, keep the neat ideas coming.

